Tech and Tales from the Rural Lawyer

About LLOotP

Little Law Office on the Prairie (LLOotP) is an offshoot of my blog RuralLawyer and stems from my experiences using various bits of “modern” technology within my law office: Cameron Law PLLC.

Joseph Scott Murphey photographer, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division,HAER CA-319-A-14.
Joseph Scott Murphey photographer, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division,HAER CA-319-A-14.

LLOotP is mostly about the technology I use, why I use it, how I (mis)use it (there may be the occasional guest post). Its about going paper-less, using Mac’s in the law office, working with virtual staff, engineering a better client experience, and leveraging technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency. It is likely that LLOotP will be a story of false starts, fumbles, and missteps.

There will be the occasional (extraordinarily) opinionated post or tall tale poking its way through the more useful and utilitarian – no cracker-barrel round table is complete without the occasional fish story. I also reserve the right to completely change my mind about things – so don’t expect long term consistency; if/when I find something that works better, I’ll start posting about it.


Comments are welcome, but will be moderated. Generally I’ll approve any comment that is: on-topic and uses complete, comprehensible sentences. I ask that commenters refrain from using profanity; english is, after all, the language of Shakespeare, Shelley, and Tennyson – so if one wishes to be rude or insulting one can at least do it elegantly.

Guest Posts

On occasion, LLOotP may present invited guest posts on subjects ranging from virtual law offices and virtual assistants to better marketing and improving workflow with a smattering of random bits of stuff that’s just plain cool to act as seasoning from authors I’ve hunted down and are graciously providing a few hundred words so that I will go away and leave them alone.

There is always an open call for “collies”

“Collies” –  short posts about bits of useful technology are welcome. However, there are a few rules to the game:

    • Ask before sending anything – stuff that is sent in blind isn’t going to get posted
    • You need to be a solo or small firm lawyer
    • No repetitions. If someone has already written about your “collie”, then add a comment to the thread
    • Short means that you’ve got no more than 250 word to describe your “collie”. This limit will be stretched if you write the entire post in iambic pentameter.