Tech and Tales from the Rural Lawyer


Collie watching sheep
Charles L. Bull, Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

The gaelic word “collie” (or “colley”) generally translated as “something useful” (an apt name for a class of working dogs). But rather than talk about the dogs that bear this honorific, these posts (this is the start of what will be an irregular series at best) take a short look at the “collies” of the law office – those bits of technology that are just darn useful.

Today’s example of the just plain useful is Dymo’s “Desktop Mailing Solution” which bundles a postage scale, a label printer, and stamp printing software and gives you a no-cost (outside of the cost of labels & postage), no-contract mail processing solution.

With the exception of return receipt certified mail, this little gem handles all of those situations where e-mail, e-filing or e-whatever just won’t do. The cost of each “demo stamp” is about $0.02, which is a small premium to pay for always having the correct postage on hand and avoiding those last-minute dashes to the post office to buy a roll of stamps. For us “low-volume mail users,” the Dymo solution is a simple way to process the bulk of our office mail in-house without the hassles of maintaining a postage meter.

The only down side to this pup is that you are locked into using Dymo’s proprietary stamp labels – the stamp printing software won’t print unless you enter a key code that comes with each roll of Dymo stamp labels. Granted, this is a once-per-roll operation (and if you buy your stamp labels through the software it’s done automatically), but it does mean that you can’t use those less expensive generic rolls of stamp labels.

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