Tech and Tales from the Rural Lawyer

Defensible Paranoia

Let me make something clear right from the outset, when it comes to the security of the technology that supports my business, I am not a raving, paranoid lunatic; I am completely capable of carry on calm, quiet, rational conversations. Back in the day, when hard drives were the size of washing machines, tape drives… Continue Reading

A Refurbished Collie

Having started my career in computer science as a the junior system administrator assigned the unenviable task of re-inking the line printer ribbons (yes, back in the paleolithic age of computers, printers actually banged bits of type into an inked piece of cloth to produce easily smeared letters on a roll of perforated paper) I… Continue Reading

Digital Housekeeping

I cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be confused with a clean-freak. My private office is kept in a state of carefully managed chaos, occasionally disrupted by a biannual reorganization of the piles, the odd vacuuming, or an irregular exposure to a dust cloth, isolated from the ravages of the cleaning crew that patrols the… Continue Reading

A Techie Valentine

I must admit to being a recovering techaholic. I have yet to meet a small bit of shiny new tech that I haven’t lusted after to some degree or another. Fortunately age and experience have tempered my passion (oh for those days of youth when even a mere passing glance at an IMSAI 8080 could… Continue Reading


The gaelic word “collie” (or “colley”) generally translated as “something useful” (an apt name for a class of working dogs). But rather than talk about the dogs that bear this honorific, these posts (this is the start of what will be an irregular series at best) take a short look at the “collies” of the law… Continue Reading

A Tale of Perspective

Out here on the now frozen prairie just about any reasonably modern technology could be considered “new” – in my small town, most folks are still using dial-up and most of the “innovators” are looking at 256K DSL as being where the cutting edge starts – so, from my perspective, writing about new technology is… Continue Reading


Little Law Office on the Prairie is (or at least tries to be) your on-line rural lawyer’s office waiting room – the old fashion one complete with cracker barrel, pot belly stove, and sturdy wooden chairs; a place where tall tales and helpful advice are dispensed with equal measure. As for the content – well I’m… Continue Reading