Tech and Tales from the Rural Lawyer

Category Archives: Tales

Stories, musings and utter fiction about life and practicing law beyond suburbia’s sprawl

12 Bytes of Techmas

Trees on a snow covered mountainIn no particular order and without even an attempt at a rhyme scheme, here are the 12 things every lawyer should have at their fingertips.

  1. The number of the Lawyers Concerned For Lawyers branch for their state. Hey, lawyering is stressful at the best of times – these folks can help in the worst of times.
  2. The number for their professional responsibility board. If in doubt get an opinion before hand; it’s way cheaper than an ethics complaint afterwards.
  3. Some type of document assembly software. It makes you and your staff way more productive while reducing errors in documents.
  4. Some type of document management software. I’m sure your secretary knows where every document you’ve create lies on your hard disk, but do you? Document management software not only helps you locate documents, it can track changes, manage access and help eliminate those “#$%! I saved over the original” moments.
  5. A merchant account. Having the ability to take credit cards makes getting paid much easier.
  6. A good automated backup system because that hard disk is not going to last forever and one day you will erase that really important document.
  7. Bookmarks for:
  8. A link to the Courts, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Revisor for your state. These agencies web pages often offer useful resources beyond information on court cases, corporations, policy, and statutes.
  9. The email addresses of a few trusted colleague you can go to for those “am I over-thinking this” and “WTF should I do now” questions. A good colleague is someone who’s willing not only to give you advice, but will administer the occasional dope-slap when you need one (Solosez provides access to a group of good colleagues).
  10. A comfortable place to take a nap. It may seem like goofing off, but a nap a good way to reboot your brain. In fact there’s a growing body of research that shows napping boosts intelligence, learning capacity, creativity, performance, and lifespan. If you’re not sure how to nap effectively, check here and here.
  11. Encryption software. First, encryption helps keep your client files safe in the event your server (where ever it may be) is hacked (and don’t think for a moment that this is a matter of  “if”  – it’s a matter of “when”). Second, if medical information ever crosses your desk, thanks to HIPAA, you’ll need to be able to encrypt it (while HIPAA doesn’t specifically require encryption, if a file containing medical information is ever compromised, the only way to avoid a HIPAA breach is to encrypt the file).
  12. The name and contact information for a good virtual legal assistant. Even if you have staff, there are times when work load exceeds capacity. Being able to offload some things to a virtual assistant can make the difference between hitting and missing deadlines (or even better between eating almost warm takeout and eating dinner with your family).

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving dinner at the house of Earle Landis

It’s been quiet here at the little law office on the prairie. The candy-comas of Halloween have passed and with the grey skies of November, thoughts turn to the gastronomic over indulgences that are coming. November also reminds us that it is time to give thanks for the blessings of the past year, for the new tech that came in and changed things for the better; for all the old tech that kept working; for the marketing efforts that worked and those that didn’t because they teach us something.

Happy Thanksgiving From LLOOTP


Fall has come to the little law office on the prairie and as the veil between the worlds briefly thins, it is a time to reconnect with our ancestors and time to review the old cell phone plan. Once again I trudge to the local cell phone service and walk past the shiny new smartphones… Continue Reading

Falling into Value

Fall is beginning to close in on us here in the little law office on the prairie heralded by it’s handmaidens – intemperately muggy days and dwindling daylight hours. It is the time of preparation; there are crops to be brought in, machinery to be put up, law firm marketing to be attended to, and… Continue Reading

A Certain Coolness

It’s August here at the little law office on the prairie which means that we’re in the betweens – between planting and harvest when crops are left to mother nature’s care; between birth and breeding when calves and lambs frolic across verdant pastures; between early summer and early fall when the still hot days are… Continue Reading


Independence day is a serious holiday for the small towns surrounding the little law office on the prairie. It’s a time of community celebration – the Lions hold their annual grilled chicken dinner (posh city folk generally call this lunch), there’s a parade down main street with VFW parading the colors leading the way, the… Continue Reading


June brings time for a bit of reflection here in the little law office on the prairie. Spring’s flurry of activity is has wrapped up; the first cutting of hay is in the barn, planting is done, calving is over and everyone is settling in to the slower rhythms of the coming summer.  So, now… Continue Reading

A Heartbeat Away

A few years back, when the little law office on the prairie was nothing more than a passing fancy, I found myself farming a few acres at the intersection of 3 roads in the foothills of the Appalachians. While this corner was simply a boundary point to me, it was of great interest to the… Continue Reading

The Ides of Tech

As I write this, it is abundantly clear that for the little law office on the prairie, Persephone has not yet returned to Demeter’s loving arms and the only technology I’m actively searching for is a front end loader with a longer reach. Out here, the size of the clean up technology is fairly accurate… Continue Reading